
1998 • 78 minút
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Tento film

Nanni Moretti presents a semi-autobiographical account of his experiences in fatherhood, beginning when his wife Silvia's announces her pregnancy. Family, work and politics mingle in a charming light-hearted tale with a large helping of irony and humour. Following the general election of 1994, won by the centre-right coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi, Moretti is encouraged by a journalist friend to make a documentary about the current political situation in Italy. Two years pass, another election is held, and he has still made no progress with his documentary. He starts another project, a musical about a Trotskyist pastry chef in the 1950's, but becomes disillusioned and increasingly distracted by the pregnancy. When his son Pietro is born and the centre-left coalition Ulivo wins the election, he continues to try to shoot his documentary, but with the film remaining unfinished he must learn to stop hesitating in order to complete his passion project.