Top Gun

1986 • 109 minút
167 recenzií
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Tento film

Mladí vojenští piloti Pete „Maverick“ Mitchell (Tom Cruise) a jeho kolega Goose
jsou vysláni na pětitýdenní kurz do kalifornského Miramaru do školy pro elitní vojenské
piloty, které se říká Top Gun. Maverick je na to hrdý a hodlá se stát nejlepším bojovým
pilotem ve vojenském námořnictvu. Avšak jeho hazardérství není obdivováno, naopak mu působí
mezi kolegy a nadřízenými potíže, protože Maverick porušuje pravidla a ofi ciální předpisy.
Jeho instinkt je pro něho důležitější. Když však jeho kamarád Goose přijde při jednom
zkušebním letu o život, začíná se Maverick měnit...

Hodnotenia a recenzie

167 recenzií
Nathan Anton
21. mája 2020
Great movie, obviously. I don't think it needs a review, everyone has seen it, 5 star film. BUT, the original film was shot on super 35 and there is A LOT of grain in the film. The YouTube/Google play compression make this look really bad. It is especially apparent in the shots on the carrier in the beginning. I got the 4k version. It's good enough, but if I had to do it again, I would probably buy the Blu-ray. I assume it handles the grain better. Ok to rent it here, don't buy it though.
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Ben Graims
3. júna 2022
It was an amazing movie for it's time with it's "you are there" scenes in the cockpit and for that it's worth watching. And people never tire of seeing their heroes killing the bad guys especially if they personally never have to risk anything. But, you should stop there if you need these feelings to get through the day. In the end the movie is subpar. Juvenile dialog, and hokey situations with the air combat eventually will start to bother you the more you see it. Good movie though.
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Mike Young
31. mája 2022
It was an amazing movie for it's time with it's "you are there" scenes in the cockpit and for that it's worth watching. And people never tire of seeing their heroes killing the bad guys especially if they personally never have to risk anything. But, you should stop there if you need these feelings to get through the day. In the end the movie is subpar. Juvenile dialog, and hokey situations with the air combat eventually will start to bother you the more you see it. Good movie though.
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