Top Gun: Maverick

2022 • 130 de minute
951 de recenzii
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Despre acest film

După mai bine de treizeci de ani de serviciu ca aviator naval de top, Pete „Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) este acolo unde îi este locul, împingând limitele ca pilot de testare curajos. Cu toate acestea, Maverick trebuie să se confrunte cu fantomele trecutului său atunci când se întoarce la TOPGUN pentru a antrena un grup de absolvenți de elită și se întâlnește față în față cu Lt. Bradshaw (Miles Teller), fiul fostului său copilot „Goose”. Rivalități amare se aprind în timp ce piloții se pregătesc pentru o misiune specializată care va necesita sacrificiul suprem din partea celor aleși să o îndeplinească.

Evaluări și recenzii

951 de recenzii
Szymon Matusiak
3 iunie 2022
I had really high expectations but it fell somewhat short. Im a big fan of planes so dogfighting scenes really impressed me. Story line seemed to be little shallow, choppy and superficial. The acting was ok with lines that were simple - missing deeper meaning Overall i think the 1986's Top Gun had more emotional load with better developed friendship and romance stories. It seemed more natural and easier to connect to. Still a good movie but now i am gonna watch and enjoy the 1986 again..
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Rann Patterson
25 aprilie 2023
Phenomenal. Saw Top Gun summer 1986. In this sequel, 36 years later, the actors show they’ve aged too. They also added a female pilot and 5th Gen warfare which gave it real-time authenticity. I loved the volleyball scene in the first movie and this time they added the same feel with beach football teaching teamwork. Of course, CGI had to be added -what they wrote in is not humanly possible to film, but is so good gives an adrenaline rush! Moving and well done. Tom Cruise, living legend. Watch!
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Stephen Jacewicz
7 iulie 2022
A breathless, amazing sequel. One of the best films of the year. Following up from the first one, this one is a beautiful action fest with amazing aerial flying, a great story, scary scenes, and fun times. Jennifer Connelly and Cruise really deliever here and so does Val Kilmer. I saw it in IMAX which was a pretty good experience. Also the main theme song by Lady Gaga is absolutely incredible and is a great follow up theme song to "Take My Breath Away". I give Top Gun: Maverick a 5 out of 5.
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