Jen Hex
- Raporto si të papërshtatshëm
Amazing movie. I watched it years ago and it always stayed in my mind. I couldn't ever remember the name of it so when I saw it on one day I was so excited to be able to see it again! It's definitely a movie I recommend to others. I love the twist at the end of the movie too ;)

Miranda Lola
- Raporto si të papërshtatshëm
It's a hard watch, bc it grabs a hold of your soul.. it's all true.. the acting with the score is... gahh, as legit as any crime drama suspense can get. 1986 makes it perfect, apparently!

Një përdorues i Google
- Raporto si të papërshtatshëm
A family's turned and twisted story and life events of deceit and overall challenge of love, and passion of crime and loyalty. Excellent!