
2009 • 162 minút
209 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Francúzština (Kanada), Čeština a Španielčina (Latinská Amerika).

Tento film

Avatar nás zoberie do úžasného sveta Pandory, kde sa muž vydá na veľkolepú cestu za dobrodružstvom a láskou a nakoniec bude musieť bojovať za záchranu miesta, ktoré sa stane jeho domovom. Režisér James Cameron, držiteľ Oscara za Titanic, vám prináša filmový zážitok, ktorý vás pohltí, kde sa revolučná technológia spojí s pútavými postavami v nadčasovom príbehu.

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209 recenzií
Google Account
4. decembra 2021
The fact that this is the most popular movie in history says there is no hope because the average person is a retard. Yet, I choose to still believe despite all these retards
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Paul T Sjordal
1. apríla 2021
I don't get the complaint about the originality of the plot. Go look up "monomyth." There's no such thing as an original plot. Half of the movies you watch are coming of age stories that follow the same basics plot points. So this copies the plot of Dances With Wolves? That wasn't original either. I think people who criticize plot originality are just upset that the subtext criticizes colonialism. What matters is implementation, and this implements better than most action movies.
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Michael Burke
6. apríla 2021
Hands down, THE BEST 3D of any movie, ever. Story was good, but the cinematography was legendary. 10 years later, only Alita Battle Angel has come close to the cinematic experience of Avatar. MUST SEE, preferably in true IMAX.
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