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Awesome I.... Shot That!

2006 • 85 daqiqa
7 ta sharh
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On October 9, 2004, the Beastie Boys handed out fifty video cameras to audience members at their sold out performance in New York's famed Madison Square Garden. This was the pinnacle performance of their legendary Challah At Your Boy tour. These newly appointed cameraman, dotted around the arena, were given one simple instruction: just keep shooting - Ingeniously editing this amateur footage with professionally shot material, MCA (using his pseudonym Nathanial Hörnblowér) created a mind-blowing, multi-coloured, psychedelic musical extravaganza. Never before has the energy and excitement of a live performance been captured so precisely, so accurately and so faithfully. This is quite possibly the greatest concert movie of all time. - A Revolver Entertainment Release 2012 A Revolver Entertainment Release 2012
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7 ta sharh
Matt Dickson
16-yanvar, 2017
Simply AWESOME!!!
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Ronan Ferguson
24-aprel, 2020
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
Jonathan Crowther
14-mart, 2020
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