Back Fork

2019 • 98 minutu
7 iritzi
Ikus ezazu web-arakatzaile batean edo bateragarriak diren gailuetan Lortu informazio gehiago
Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

When the strain of tragedy was too much for a young couple in Appalachia, prescription pills became the medicine to ease the pain.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

7 iritzi
Carson K
2020(e)ko maiatzaren 9(a)
This movie was sad and painful but also left room for hope. The last scene with the father and son made me cry... the ending made me think and kept me guessing if he truly made it or not, which I liked the ambiguity. This is a really underrated film!!!
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Nora Braun
2019(e)ko apirilaren 10(a)
Best movie ever!
2 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?
Andre Bailey
2019(e)ko apirilaren 11(a)
l love it.
Lagungarria iruditu al zaizu?

Baloratu filma

Eman iezaguzu iritzia.