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Back to the Future

1985 • 116 daqiqa
2,94 ming ta sharh
Reytinglar va sharhlar tasdiqlanmagan  Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: arab, dan, fincha, grek, italyan, ivrit, niderland, norveg, portugalcha (Portugaliya), ruscha, slovencha, tay, turk, venger, xitoy (Gonkong) va xitoy (anʼanaviy).

Bu film haqida

The classic time travel adventure. Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) travels to the 1950s in a Delorean built by Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd). After he inadvertantly interferes with the flow of history, he must reunite his parents before he ceases to exist!
Yoshga oid cheklov

Reytinglar va sharhlar

2,94 ming ta sharh
Matias Magliarelli
27-oktabr, 2021
El clasico de 5 estrellas play store 0 peliculas gratis encima te poner menor precio para que alquiles en ves de venderla un precio medio no tiene sentido si buscas la misma pelicula aparece gratis en cualquier lugar jaja
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
Rachel Tindoy
10-may, 2018
This movie is really great! I thought that the old movies are not so good compared to the movies today in regards to graphics and story but after watching this movie it definitely changed my mind. In short, this is just timeless and classic!
Buni foydasi tegdimi?
Victor Westerlund
23-iyun, 2014
It's a very good film with nice effects for such an old film. Though I like BTF 2 just a bit more. See this one first then the second one, highly recommend thisnfolm if you haven't seen it already!
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