Bad Moms 2

2018 • 104 minút
66 recenzií
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Tento film

The story follows our three under-appreciated and over-burdened women as they rebel against the challenges and expectations of the Super Bowl for moms: Christmas. And if creating a more perfect holiday for their families wasn’t hard enough, they have to do all of that while hosting and entertaining their own mothers. By the end of the journey, our moms will redefine how to make the holidays special for all and discover a closer relationship with their mothers.

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66 recenzií
Hera Day
12. februára 2018
Too much reliance from the first movie, This movie just rode on the 1st movies coattails. During the whole first half of the movie I was waiting for some new comedy and not the predictable one liners. By the second half of the movie I was just trying to plan my escape and then at the end when I finally left the cinema I yelled at the audience that we deserved more
9 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
20. apríla 2018
Neverwillwatch ,Just saying mom sounds like your slow mum sounds correct mind you thats a long list of merican stupidity like biscuits, gas tomatoe etc, not all of them you know the ones that every country has etc etc etc
3 osoby považujú túto recenziu za užitočnú
2. februára 2018
Short deviation before the review: HOLLYWOOD! Stop renaming movies! (This IS "A Bad Moms Christmas". Renamed for the rest of the West. WHY?! Not the only offender. "Neighbours" [and sequel] renamed to "Bad Neighbours". "American Wedding" renamed to "American Pie 3 : The Wedding". "XXX State Of The Union" renamed to "XXX : The Next Level". Hell, even "Batman Beyond" is - no joke - "BATMAN OF THE FUTURE". We're NOT IDIOTS. STOP RENAMING FILMS.) Anyway, back to the regularly scheduled review: The cast of "Bad Moms" return and add new cast to the fun of the first, mixing in the insanity of Christmas gatherings and the best part - their OWN Bad Moms! Definitely worth an HD rental at least. Purchase if you have the cash!
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