Bad President

2020 • 90 daqiqa
37 ta sharh
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
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The true story of how Donald Trump got elected as the President of the United States of America in 2015 by making a deal with the Devil himself. We follow President Trump on his electoral campaign highlighting his proudest moments; It is a stranger than fiction tale of a man determined to Make America Great Again by upsetting everybody, making them cry with tears and laughter in the process.

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37 ta sharh
Sarah Hill
17-oktabr, 2020
Great movie. Thank you for the comedy relief. You have his awful attitude down. Thank you for speaking truth to power. I hope you used the $30,000 that Michael Cohen the fixer of the Trump family paid to try to silence you. Keep speaking out. We need you.
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Porter Dee
2-noyabr, 2020
This film could have been better but so could be the president. A real story about how Trump became a president. I feel ashamed watching this but let's hope things change next week.
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Crypto Keeper
27-oktabr, 2020
With all that's going on, this is one film us Americans need to watch. Plenty of laughs and a great cast. 5 stars for making this! Support this film!
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