Bad Santa 2

2016 • 92 minút
65 recenzií
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Tento film

Everyone’s favourite anti-hero, Willy Stokes (BILLY BOB THORNTON), returns in the follow up to the hilarious cult classic, BAD SANTA. Fuelled by cheap whiskey, greed and hatred, Willie teams up once again with his angry little sidekick, Marcus (TONY COX), to knock off a Chicago charity on Christmas Eve. Along for the ride is ‘the kid’ - cheery Thurman Merman, a 250-pound ray of sunshine who brings out Willie’s sliver of humanity. However nothing is straight forward when the pair are joined by Willie’s horror story of a mother, Sunny Soke, making this one Christmas no one will ever forget!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

65 recenzií
Dai Morr
10. novembra 2017
I love both films I laughed like hell!
donald milne
20. novembra 2017
Offensive, crude, great fun, loved it.
Používateľ služieb Google
22. januára 2018
Loved both films