Bambi, Walt Disney's beloved coming-of-age story, will thrill audiences with its breathtaking animation and characters who will touch your heart: Bambi, the wide-eyed fawn, his playful pal Thumper, the loveable skunk Flower and wise Friend Owl.
Ratings and reviews
591 reviews
Finland 4Ever
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March 28, 2020
I found this boring and it's too mature for families. The mother got shot and a bird later got shot and we saw her land on the ground headless. Bambi was originally supposed to find his mom's dead body laying in a pool of blood. Yeah, I'm not kidding!
Gavin McGraw
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July 19, 2020
The movie was awesome. Not worth 20 dollars but you can watch it on Disney+ or just rent it for much cheaper tbh. The reason why is because the film seems pretty short. It also makes you think that there would be less hunters after this was made (nope). 11/5 excellent movie
Ayleen Martinez
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September 6, 2020
Cute didn't watch the death parts but it was very cute my brother hated i didn't know why first thing he sees about the movie hates idk why