Jean Luc Pressoir
I love watching the third Barbershop movie which will always help rewind everyone in every neighborhood communities where they were raised and represent. The arts, culture, education, entertainment, businesses, and social media now still bring better goals having their communities to look out one another. Everyday, everyone stay alive to have a life and on a path to have a future our families and friends never made them feel left out and don't no one let the streets take them away.

Lynn Harkless
I love these 2 and have every movie and album they have done and been in. All the Barbershop movies ,I love. The story line takes you through the old days of how bad it really was and it takes you to today's time and how it's changed over the years.. It's all about coming together and having unity in the community. They keep it real. And it teaches you about the past, present and future. It shows you the real deal and how to handle all types of situations. Love the music too.
289 people found this review helpful

I really enjoyed this film. I had so many funny scenes and good actors. It dealt with the harsh reality of gang violence and the truth that its the "good kids" that dont understand how well off they are. On;y draw back is the on again off again if the shop will close or be sold since the 1st movie smh. Common and Regina Hall add a nice addition to the cast and so does Nikki. Ced is the reliable laugh and who cant relate to ice cube. JB and anthony just add to the extra comedy that is well merged. This film had a wonderful supporting cast as well.
56 people found this review helpful