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Batman: Year One

2011 • 64 ደቂቃዎች
ኦዲዮም ሆነ የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በቋንቋዎ አይገኙም። የግርጌ ጽሁፍ በሀንጋሪኛ፣ ሉቴንያንኛ፣ ላትቪያን፣ ራሽያኛ፣ ስሎቬንኛ፣ ስዊድንኛ፣ ስፓኒሽ፣ ስፓኒሽ (ላቲን አሜሪካ)፣ ታይ፣ ቻይንኛ (ባህላዊ)፣ ቼክኛ፣ ኖርዌጂያን፣ ኢስቶኒያንኛ፣ እንግሊዝኛ፣ ዩክሬንኛ፣ ደች፣ ዴኒሽ፣ ጀርመንኛ፣ ግሪክኛ፣ ጣሊያንኛ፣ ፊኒሽ፣ ፖሊሽ፣ ፖርቹጋልኛ (ብራዚል)፣ እና ፖርቹጋልኛ (ፖርቱጋል) ይገኛል።

ስለዚህ ፊልም

He will become the greatest crime fighter the world has ever known. But it won't be easy. Based on the groundbreaking story by Frank Miller (300,Sin City) and featuring the voice talents of Bryan Cranston, Ben McKenzie, Katee Sackhoff, Eliza Dushku, Alex Rocco and Jon Polito, this thrilling DC Universe Animated Original Movie reveals a bold and dynamic vision of the Dark Knigh's first year in action and the start of his enduring friendship with Jim Gordon. With Gotham City in desperate need of heroes, two men take a stand for justice . . . but on opposite sides. Bruce Wayne returns home after years of training abroad in martial arts, science, detective skills and the art of hunting men. He's ready to become the thing in the night that all criminals of Gotham will come to fear. But at the same time, honest Lieutenant James Gordon moves to Gotham and finds corruption at every level.
የተሰጠ ደረጃ

ለዚህ ፊልም ደረጃ ይስጡ

ምን እንደሚያስቡ ይንገሩን።