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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)

2016 • 182 мүнөт
4,27 миң сын-пикир
Рейтинг жана сын-пикирлер текшерилген жок  Кеңири маалымат
Азырынча кыргыз тилинде коштолгон видео да, коштомо жазуулар да жок. Коштомо жазуулар төмөнкү тилдерде жеткиликтүү: англисче, арабча, болгарча, венгерче, голландча, грекче, датча, ивритче, исландча, кытайча (Гонконг), кытайча (Жөнөкөйлөштүрүлгөн), кытайча (Салттуу), латышча, литовчо, норвежче, орусча, полякча, португалча (Португалия), словенче, тайча, түркчө, финче, хорватча, чехче, шведче жана эстончо

Бул кино тууралуу

"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition" includes approximately 30 minutes of extended footage never before seen in theaters! From director Zack Snyder comes “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice,” starring Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne and Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent in the characters’ first big-screen pairing. Fearing the actions of a god-like Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’s most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

4,27 миң сын-пикир
Grant Sanderson
2016-ж., 25-июль
The Ultimate Edition is, in my view, a far superior version of an ambitious, beautiful yet flawed and unnecessarily burdened film. While I managed to enjoy the theatrical release, this longer version felt shorter by virtue of filling in a number of logic holes and removing some leaps of faith that the theatrical release required of a viewer. I do understand the need for 'universe building' but a number of dream sequences (all of them) could have been removed to improve flow and reduce the demands on the viewers time and attention. The Justice League cameos via closed circuit TV weren't necessary, seeing the logos on the stolen hard drive should have been sufficient when combined with Wonder Woman's appearance and the Flash's time travel warning to Bruce Wayne. Saving those minutes and replacing some or all of them with an extended confrontation between Superman and Batman after the Batmobile crash, where there is at least an attempt to resolve their differences without violence would have lent a great deal of credibility to the heroism of the titular characters. Overall, the added scenes in the Ultimate Edition are worth every moment and create a more complete story. 3.5/5.
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jay alsop
2019-ж., 1-февраль
let me ask a stupid question why in hell would i pay so much money for this and can get ot much cheaper online or download for free ? I think you guys need to wake up and realise that people aren't into the spending thing and try to market your products better. and you all wonder how Bezos is so rich.
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Cesar Mananes
2018-ж., 6-март
It just didn't work for me. They got everything wrong. Superman was portrayed as all brute with no brains. Batman was was more about violence than justice. Lex was a mishmash of other characters: Joker + Mxyzptlic
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