Chris Moran
Very flawed movie. I went into it excited and interested and came out just watching the most okay movie of 2018. It was terrible, just boring. The romantic sub plots felt forced, Bobbie Riggs personal side felt meaningful all for the movie to turn him into "blah blah men are better". And I know it's based on historic events, but c'mon. How can ever "guy" be on his side and then the nice guys re just instant good when they good for her.
30 ຄົນພົບວ່າຄຳຕິຊົມນີ້ເປັນປະໂຫຍດ
Joshua McElmurray
Overall good movie. I think they should take "humor" out of the description, there's no real humor that I see within this movie. The movie paints what sexism and homosexuality was like back in the 70's. I can't vouch for the authentic representation, but if I were to picture what it was like - this movie is close. Upon writing this review I'm only 1/2 way through it, and looking forward to the remaining story.
Shanna Allison
Battle of the Sexes was a really interesting movie! It showed how sports can be more than just a game. I liked how it talked about important issues like gender equality and fighting for what you believe in. Emma Stone and Steve Carell were great as Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. The tennis match at the end was so intense! If you're into sports movies or stories about strong women, you should definitely check this out