Being There

1980 • 129 minutos
13 recensións
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Peter Sellers triumphs in his Award-winning role as an illiterate gardener hilariously catapulted into the fast lane of political power. Shirley McLaine and Academy Award(R) winner Melvyn Douglas co-star. Year: 1979 Director: Hal Ashby Starring: Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine, Jack Warden MPAA Rating: PG (c) 1979 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Valoracións e recensións

13 recensións
Valentine Horsham
15 de outubro de 2020
I also saw thus film many years ago. I have never forgotten it apeter Sellers suuted the part perfectly. I if course knew him from The Goons.. The title struck me as being how things need to be, especially now in such trying times globally, with Covid-19 and the ongoing unrest. It indicates to us that there are simple solutions fjir our percieved ills.
Barry Williams
5 de xuño de 2019
I saw this movie over 35 years ago. It is probably the best film I have ever seen. It depicts the down to earth philosophy of a truly unique individual who is totally unblemished by the world. A remarkable expose of how simple it is to solve the problems of society. We can all accomplish this by just, Being There.