Jose Martinez
At first glance, one can be confused by the absurdity of this film. Sure, being exaggerated at some times, with some scenes - some very naughty scenes - dragging on for a long time, one would think this is a film that is pure blasphemy. By default, the average sensitive Catholic viewer would think this is a work of the devil. But that is not at all the case. The film takes its time to develop a story about a nun who claims to be the next love of Jesus Christ. Whether or not her claims are true does not matter. This film is a brilliant analyses on some of the failures of the Catholic regime in Italy during the plague of the 17th century. It is through Benedetta that the discussion of feminism, lesbians, corruption, and faith is tested. This is not a film that pokes fun at religion, but rather pokes fun at one Catholic regime of the 17th century through a fresh comedic satiric/horror style.