Between The Shades

2019 • 84 minutes
12 avis
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À propos de ce film

Fifty conversations exploring the many different shades of being "gay" in America. A conversation on the degrees and varying perceptions about how people define themselves.

Notes et avis

12 avis
Sandra mancil
28 juin 2019
My hope is that those who truly need to see this film, do so with open eyes and open hearts. Beautifully directed. Thank you to all who shared their stories. I was struck with the diversity of experiences and was left with an even deeper understanding that love is love no matter the attraction. I laughed in some places and teared up in others. It is worth the watch no matter what your views are at this moment. Love is love, and this world definitely needs more love and happiness.
John Di Bartolo
3 mai 2019
We have never been more in need of a documentary like this. These interviews remind us in an entertaining and moving way that, deep down inside, we all love the same way. This film is a must in an age when too many are demonizing groups of people they don’t understand.
Brie Jongewaard
27 juin 2019
Rarely do you have the opportunity to view such raw vulnerability and honest introspection. As a group, and individually, the participants in this documentary give us insight and inspiration. Love is a universal language and these stories give us additional perspective on just how beautiful, challenging, hopeful, and painful it can be. I feel honored to be a witness.