Big Girls Don't Cry...They Get Even

1992. • 104 perc
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

After the multiple divorces and remarriages of her biological parents, 15-year-old Laura Chartoff (Hillary Wolf -- "Home Alone" franchise, "Waiting for the Light") has a step-father, three step-siblings, two half-siblings, an ex-stepmother and a potential new stepmother who's pregnant with twins. Tired of the misunderstandings and dreading a family vacation to Hawaii, Laura takes off on a holiday of her own. But as her parents--all of them--come looking for her, they better beware because Big Girls Don't Cry...They Get Even.
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