"Billa II: The Beginning" is a Tamil gangster thriller film directed by Chakri Toleti. It is a prequel to the film Billa (2007) and focuses on how David becomes an underworld don, as Ajith Kumar reprises the role of the titular character. David is a Sri Lankan Tamil refugee who arrives in the town of Rameswaram. He gets acquainted with rough life in the refugee camp and raises his voice against unfair treatment. This leads him to incur the wrath of police officials and he is forced to go on an assignment. This assignment is planned with an aim of finishing him off. The brawny David overcomes all odds and completes the task. There begins a new journey in his life. He comes across Abbasi (Sudhanshu Pandey), a dreaded gangster in Goa. David receives more assignments with more risks, accomplishing them in style. He embarks on a trip to Georgia to meet an international don Dmitri (Vidyuth Jamwal) on Abbasi's behalf. Fresh troubles start brewing between the Don's and Dmitri crosses swords with him. It is bad versus bad in a bid to assert their supremacy. (CBFC A DIL/3/10/2012-CHE)