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Black 47

2018 • 99 minutos
5 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Set in Ireland during the Great Famine, the drama follows an Irish Ranger who has been fighting for the British Army abroad, as he abandons his post to reunite with his family. Despite experiencing the horrors of war, he is shocked by the famine's destruction of his homeland and the brutalization of his people and his family.

Valoracións e recensións

5 recensións
Raymond Gilroy
22 de xaneiro de 2020
No wonder we want Ireland's freedom! What the English did to our country was horrible...
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Norman Sweeney
23 de xaneiro de 2022
Great film for us Irish not to let it happen again in Ireland
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Kevin Flanagan
7 de abril de 2019
Great movie but very heart breaking.
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