Black Adam

2022 • 124 minút
157 recenzií
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Tento film

Asi před 5 000 lety byl Black Adam (Johnson) obdařen všemohoucností egyptských bohů – a uvězněn. Teď se z pozemského hrobu vysvobodil a chce moderní svět napravit podle svých představ.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

157 recenzií
7. decembra 2022
Movie was okay, but the Rock just isn't a good actor even in a CG ridden film. The only enjoyable part of the film was Dr. Fate and Hawkman. The other characters are quite useless. Further when dealing with such a powerful superhero such as Black Adam, you need a formidable foe. The main antagonist in this film isn't the the super villain, but Adam himself, which can be fine if the story was written well enough. However, that isn't the case.
Bolo to užitočné?
Bryan Williams
17. decembra 2022
IMO B.A. is just barely over 3 stars so I'll give it a 3.3. The previews were better than the movie; per the previews, I was anticipating the movie to be better than it was. The ending with Sup and B.A. obviously leads to a duh sequel where Sup puts B.A. in his place cause we all know in the end Sup kicks everyone's azz.
Bolo to užitočné?
Moonlight Lindt
29. novembra 2022
Imaginary country with cars in the 60s while the heroes have high tech gear and jet. Low budget? And the fight scenes are more or less TV standards. The flow of the story is also off balance.
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