Black Christmas

2006 • 92 minutu
283 iritzi
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A group of six sorority sisters - Kelli (Katie Cassidy), Dana (Lacey Chabert), Lauren (Crystal Lowe), Megan (Jessica Harmon), Heather (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and Melissa (Michelle Trachtenberg) and their house mother (Andrea Martin) are settling in for Christmas Break. Their seasonal serenity and good cheer is defiled by unsettling and threatening phone calls. Then, one of their own goes missing and the girls are soon being slaughtered one by one. Based on Bob Clark's 1974 horror classic, writer-director Glen Morgan's retelling slays audiences December 25th.

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283 iritzi
Joey PT
2019(e)ko abenduaren 14(a)
Have to agree with Austin. Being an old school original version person myself. Their are a few exceptions, (this being one of them) where the remake is awesome. The original dates around 73-74 I believe, and was probably one of the pioneers of the slasher film genre if you will...if done correctly with today's CGI and other special effects in there favor, they can hit gold. Not most, but some exceptions of remakes.
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Jamie Gibbs
2020(e)ko uztailaren 20(a)
Near perfect modern slasher imo. Good storytelling and moody, seasonal production values enhance thrilling gore kills and features a gorgeous cast of bitchy "mean girl" victims! I absolutely love this charming Christmas horror film. It's a ritual viewing every year, while I put up my Christmas tree 💯
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2016(e)ko abenduaren 4(a)
Okay don't listen to these loser haters lol the original is so old and dates and just who honestly talks so weird like that anymore. Once it was something now it's nothing. However this one will always be a lasting something so gory, scary and downright intensely disgustingly disturbingly creepy. I love it. KATIE CASSIDY IS MY BAE. And my girl Michelle Tratchenberg.
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