Black Site

2019 • 87 minutos
6 recensións
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Acerca desta película

An elite military unit encounters a supernatural entity, known as The Elder Gods, that forces them into battle against an army from another dimension. They must fight together to defend the Black Site and save the world from ultimate destruction.

Valoracións e recensións

6 recensións
Stephanie Barnett
10 de abril de 2019
not the greatest acting, not a horrible plot if they had added some more detail or background, but since they didn't, not very interesting...not worth paying for at all...wouldn't even watch again for free. Would like my money back on this one and I don't usually say that.
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Gregory Burkart
9 de abril de 2019
This flick gets right down to business, starting with its unique twist on the H.P. Lovecraft universe, then adding insane martial-arts action and a countdown-to-Doomsday plot. Tons of fun!
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Cheyenne Castro
10 de abril de 2019
A cool Sci-fi film with great action scenes. I really loved the Elder God antagonist he was very chilling. Every scene he’s in captures your attention.
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