
2013年 • 82 分钟
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BLACKFISH tells the story of Tilikum, a performing killer whale that killed several people while in captivity. Along the way, director-producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite compiles shocking footage and emotional interviews to explore the creature's extraordinary nature, the species' cruel treatment in captivity, the lives and losses of the trainers and the pressures brought to bear by the mulit-billion dollar sea-park industry. © 2013 Sahamongkolfilm Co.


Amanda Tre
While it does not break new ground, this docu-movie serves its purpose - to raise awareness and provide the grounds for debate on the morals and ethics of keeping large marine mammals like orca for display in theme park shows, their correct housing and psychological needs. Nicely scripted and put together, it links events that together prove a bigger picture of the elements at play starting with the voice logs to emergency services relaying information tragic death of a Sea World trainer.
Daena Simonds
A true telling documentary about a performing Killer Orca Whale that has killed 7 Sea World Orca Trainers.Sea World a greedy theme family park that does not care for the welfare of the whale or its trainers and also the inhumane things that Tilkum the whale ha s to go thru.Such a great Documentory,you have to watch and while you are at it,how about signing the petition at Change Org to set Tilkum free.
Angela McAuley
Blackfish has shown me a world I never expected. Animals being treated unhumanely to say the least! Taking mothers babies! In the human world it would be outcry! These animals are highly intelligent, they are being kept purely for making dollars, nothing for education now, they (Sea World) can't even educate their staff correctly!! Even I knew a Whales dorsal fin went limp in captivity!!! Honestly, a movie that will open your eyes into the world of Orca's in captivity!!