Bleed for This

2016 • 117 minutu
547 iritzi
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BLEED FOR THIS is the incredible true story of one of the most inspiring and unlikely comebacks in sports history. Miles Teller (Whiplash) stars as Vinny "The Pazmanian Devil" Pazienza, a local boxer from Rhode Island who shot to stardom after winning two world title fights. After a near-fatal car accident leaves Vinny with a severed spine, he is told he may never walk again. Against doctor's orders, renowned trainer Kevin Rooney (Aaron Eckhart, The Dark Knight) agrees to help Vinny return to the ring in just a year after the accident for what could be the last fight of his life. (Original Title - Bleed for This) - 2016 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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547 iritzi
George Kraus
2017(e)ko otsailaren 12(a)
This young actor has a bright future, having met Paz and watched almost every one of his fights live ringside and knowing him as well as almost anyone, his careers ups and downs inside and out, I was impressed with the acting ability of this young man. He captured the life of Paz better than I would have expected. We need to see more of this versatile actor and more movies that show life in its true form, not sugar coated and not exaggerated.Brad, Matt, and the rest, couldn't have displayed the emotions that Mr. Teller has. Kudos to this well written and acted movie, Grandpa Benjamin would be proud.
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Eric Vano
2018(e)ko martxoaren 19(a)
Good story! I grew up in the same neighborhood as Vinnie. I think though this movie should've had more details as far as character build up and even physical descriptions. Vinnie was a warrior he has a very rough look to him from broken noses caused during boxing matches along with bar room brawls etc... He grew up in a rough neighborhood and it shows on him but he wasn't portrayed accurately enough in this movie.Character build up ->fail.Worth renting though.
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Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2017(e)ko martxoaren 21(a)
小弟最近收到一組密碼賴:《 666uu》 每次約的都是青春粉色肉 體 服務很讚 配合度很高 敢玩 讓人心情愉悅 給大大們推薦喔
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