Blumhouse's The Craft: Legacy

2020. • 94 minuta
328 recenzija
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O ovom filmu

In Blumhouse's continuation of the cult hit The Craft, an eclectic foursome of aspiring teenage witches get more than they bargained for as they lean into their newfound powers.

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328 recenzija
Dc K
1. novembar 2020.
A fun movie, taking WitchCraft into a new generation. The Goth culture of the 90s is no more. Lifestyles that are considered "alternative" is much more diverse now and it is reflected in this movie about finding your identity as well as working against toxic masculinity and cisgender normativity. This movie left me wanting more, and hopefully a 3rd film, bringing back both Craft and Craft: Legacy casts. This is definitely worth a watch.
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Austin M.
31. oktobar 2020.
This started out really well until almost halfway through. It just a quick cash grab off of a cult classic. The acting was ok, the writing was bad, and the effects at the end was horrendous. They tried to turn this into a female empowerment movie and it failed. This is not The Craft we all knew and loved. Don't pay to see it and don't see it for free. Waste of money and waste of time.
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Danielle Banks
17. mart 2021.
The Craft legacy huh... My god, this movie is by far one of the worst continuations of a movie series that I've seen. Like they just wrote half the script and then got lost and said, you know I have an idea that goes well with yours, so let's see how this works. It really didn't... It's sad to know that this movie was inspired by the original. But like a wise woman once said, if the shoe don't fit, don't f*** with it.
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