BoBoiBoy is a superhero from Earth who has the power to control the elements by splitting into seven different forms of himself, each representing a unique Elemental Power. His superpowers were given to him by a Power Sphera named Ochobot who became his best friend. Together with his friends, BoBoiBoy uses his powers to defend the galaxy from evil-doers. Unbeknownst to BoBoiBoy, his Elemental Powers once belonged to an ancient villain named Retak'ka. After years of imprisonment, Retak'ka has escaped and is now on the hunt for his lost powers. In a battle with BoBoiBoy, Retak'ka is able to reclaim a portion of his old powers and begins his quest to become the most powerful being in the galaxy. BoBoiBoy must now seek the legendary hero who once defeated Retak'ka and learn to unlock his true potential before the whole galaxy is destroyed.