Book Of Daniel

2013 • 87 minút
858 recenzií
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Tento film

In 605 B.C. Jerusalem was conquered by the Babylonnians and many of their best young men were taken into captivity, including Daniel (Robert Miano, Andrew Bongiorno). Daniel was taken to Babylon to serve it. As Powerful King , Nebuchandnezzar (Rolf Saxon).

Hodnotenia a recenzie

858 recenzií
12. apríla 2014
So good to see this essential teaching on film! Let there be more of this accurately presented in cinematic form from Genesis to these are the days in which all the earth must understand. Godspeed the making of these truthful productions. And may those involved be blessed for the effort. Scripture is not only Truth, but exciting to boot!
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תרצה יָשְׁפֵה
10. januára 2014
Love it!!! After the fiasco of the so-called "Bible" movies (and I'm unsure what Bible Roma Downey used), I was thoroughly relived to see the historical and cultural accuracy in this film. The heart of the displaced people of. Yisrael, and the Hope of Aliyah was captured well, even as it exist today. This movie reminds me that the fate of Yisrael remains in G-D'S Proven Hands, and not in international approval.
31 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
Samuel Carruthers
13. januára 2015
You can really experience and feel the love of Jesus Christ from this movie , it has a realness approach to biblical accuracy.I hope more bible movies can be made like this.