Born a Champion

2021 • 111 минут
61 отзыв
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
R (до 17 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

Dennis Quaid (THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW) and Sean Patrick Flanery (THE BOONDOCK SAINTS) headline this powerful martial arts action film about the love for family and the drive for greatness. After a blood-soaked jujitsu match in Dubai, fighting legend Mickey Kelley (Flanery) falls to superstar Blaine. But years later, an online video proves that Blaine cheated, and the world demands a rematch. Can the aging underdog get back into shape in time to vanquish his foe, get revenge, and claim his prize?
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R (до 17 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

61 отзыв
28 января 2021 г.
The fact that this is based on a True Story and has the heart and compassion that alot of movies miss. Mild language (profanit and from a scale alot to barely any) there is no sex scenes or nudity this can be watched with family. I honestly think now days movies use profanity as a filler this is not one of those movies. All in all if you thought Blood Sport was good this will blow it out of the water. Be prepared for emotional ride because you will enjoy the performance of the actors in this.
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Joshua Johnson
12 февраля 2021 г.
Honestly, one of the best real movies I have seen in a long time. I know this seems a bit out there but it has that original Rocky feeling. Acting is solid. Hits you in the feels.
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Thomas Kane
15 февраля 2021 г.
This movie was so good it was ridiculous. My girlfriend teared up at just 20 minutes in, she loved it. I loved it. I was hooked from the first 10 minutes all the way to the end. This was the first great movie to come out in over a year. You will LOVE it.
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