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Boy Erased

2018 • 115 минут
11 пікір
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі.

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

Boy Erased tells the courageous story of Jared Eamons (Lucas Hedges), the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, who must overcome the fallout of being outed to his parents (Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe). His parents struggle with reconciling their love for their son with their beliefs. Fearing a loss of family, friends, and community, Jared is pressured into attending a conversion therapy program. While there, Jared comes into conflict with its leader (Joel Edgerton) and begins his journey to finding his own voice and accepting his true self.

Бағалар мен пікірлер

11 пікір
Kate Louise Walford
2019 ж. 13 маусым
Being gay, bi, pan, lesbian, trans or whatever is NOT A SIN or a CRIME. LGBT - LET'S KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO IGNORANT KNUCKLEHEADS. Peace & love - unicorns too!
Бұл пікір 6 адамға пайдалы болды.
Neil Storton
2019 ж. 14 шілде
Toned content down to be accessible to masses but still an important watch.
Kathy Storer
2019 ж. 25 маусым
excellent so well acted out. beautiful story