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Boy Erased

2018 • 115 daqiqa
41 ta sharh
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Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: fincha, fransuzcha, inglizcha, ispancha (Lotin Amerikasi), italyan, nemischa, norveg, polyakcha, portugalcha, shved va venger.

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Boy Erased tells the courageous story of Jared Eamons (Lucas Hedges), the son of a Baptist pastor in a small American town, who must overcome the fallout of being outed to his parents (Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe). His parents struggle with reconciling their love for their son with their beliefs. Fearing a loss of family, friends, and community, Jared is pressured into attending a conversion therapy program. While there, Jared comes into conflict with its leader (Joel Edgerton) and begins his journey to finding his own voice and accepting his true self.

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41 ta sharh
Rebecka A
18-fevral, 2021
Filmen tar upp ett viktigt ämne men jag hade hoppats att den skulle gräva djupare och visa mer av hur illa det faktiskt är. Istället känns det lite bomull där ingen heller verkar ha lärt sig något genom resans gång. För övrigt är det för jävligt att denna typ av institutioner finns kvar.
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Kompeli Sibeso
23-noyabr, 2019
I would really like to watch this movie but I can't, well the thing is I live in Zambia and if I wanted to buy it I would have to spend 1000s for it and I can't afford that. Well I guess that's that and hope you all reading this are lucky enough to be able to watch such a nice and amazing movie.
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Camila Victoria Nieves Azuaje
17-iyul, 2020
Me encanta esta pelicula la verdad estoy completamente atrapada con la historia y las impecables actuaciones de lucas hedges, Nicole kidman, Russel Crowe y Joel Edgerton. Recomiendo mucho ver este filme es tan conmovedor y deja grandes enseñanzas es simplemente maravilloso❤
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