Boy Meets Girl

2015年 • 99分
234 件のレビュー


Boy Meets Girl is a tender, poignant, sexy, romantic coming of age romantic comedy about three twenty-somethings living in Kentucky: Robby, (Michael Welch, Twilight) and his best friend since childhood, Ricky, a gorgeous transgender girl, have never dated. Lamenting the lack of eligible bachelors, Ricky finds herself attracted to a girl she meets in the coffee shop where she works. Francesca is a beautiful young debutante waiting for her Marine fiancé to return from the war. Ricky and Francesca strike up a friendship, and maybe a little more, which forces Robby to face his true feelings for Ricky. This is a sex/human positive modern fable and identification with its story and themes cross all gender and sexual orientation lines.


234 件のレビュー
Craig Vincent
"Gorgeous transgender girl" is quite a stretch. When I first heard her speak it made my skin crawl. Oh, and why not throw infidelity in there as well? Fun for the whole family!
4 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Im a bigot, so here it comes. This movie depicts a transgender, which i do not like at all. Thanks for ruining America, Hollywood!
4 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Sarah Murnane
I wasn't sure how well the quality of the acting would be. Only a few of the actors were familiar, but I was pleasantly surprised. The characters were so real and most of them had great depth. By the end of the film it felt like any one of those characters would be a privilege to get to know. All in all it is definitely a movie I would recommend and buy.........if it wasn't already on Netflix.