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Breakfast at Tiffany's

1961 • 114 мүнөт
1,4 миң сын-пикир
Курактык чектөө
Кошсо болот
Азырынча кыргыз тилинде коштолгон видео да, коштомо жазуулар да жок. Коштомо жазуулар төмөнкү тилдерде жеткиликтүү: англисче, голландча, индонезияча, испанча (Латын Америкасы), испанча (Мексика), италиянча, кытайча (Гонконг), кытайча (Жөнөкөйлөштүрүлгөн), кытайча (Салттуу), малайча, полякча, румынча, словенче жана түркчө

Бул кино тууралуу

The names Audrey Hepburn and Holly Golightly have become synonymous since this dazzling romantic comedy was translated to the screen from Truman Capote's best-selling novella. Holly is a deliciously eccentric New York City playgirl determined to marry a Brazilian millionaire. George Peppard plays her next-door neighbour, a writer who is "sponsored" by a wealthy Patricia Neal. Guessing who's the right man for Holly is easy. Seeing just how that romance blossoms is one of the enduring delights of this gem-like treat set to Henry Mancini's Oscar®-winning score and the Oscar®-winning Mancini-Johnny Mercer song "Moon River."
Курактык чектөөлөр

Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

1,4 миң сын-пикир
Anny Fiorella Gutierrez Lopez
2023-ж., 30-март
Wow this movie surprised me a lot, at first I thought it was gonna be a typical Rom-Com, but in my opinion, it is slightly different because dives into some kind of serious topics in a way that mixes great comedic timing and charming/depressing life experiences, this movie has a perfect mix of almost everything I like, even the music was great, now Moon River is one of my favorite songs. The only thing I didn't like was the Chinese character, because it was depicted in a very racist way.
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Jessica van Rossem
2015-ж., 19-март
I once saw the movie at the national film theater in London, a romantic classic , love to see it again some time :-)
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Alexandra Gittens
2016-ж., 19-март
I've seen this movie several times... And I have never gotten bored of it. Such a classic romance!
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