Breaking In

2018 • 88 minút
21 recenzií
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Tento film

Gabrielle Union stars as a woman who will stop at nothing to rescue her two children being held hostage in a house designed with impenetrable security. No trap, no trick and especially no man inside can match a mother with a mission when she is dead set on Breaking In. Producers Will Packer (No Good Deed, Obsessed) and Union (Almost Christmas, Being Mary Jane) reunite for this original thriller directed by James McTeigue (V for Vendetta, Sense8).

Hodnotenia a recenzie

21 recenzií
Kev Handley
24. septembra 2018
Will not play on my YouTube account and will not let me report so wasted my money my other movies are fine.
Aaron Wallace
4. novembra 2018
Would not let me watch on YouTube which is really annoying as I was tying to watch it from my PlayStation so its on a bigger screen
Alexander Rhule-Martin (XANDER)
22. septembra 2018
Unrealistic and poor storyline.