Russell Rogers
When I saw this in the theater I couldn't fully get into it, but after watching it a few times in a row recently I'm finding more and more to love about this movie. This film is more about watching a woman hit her bottom in life (to hilarious effect) than it is about the journey to the wedding. As her life crumbles around her she's also straining the relationships with those who love her. This film would be almost perfect if it wasn't for the wedding speech dragging on at the beginning.
The only reason certain people didnt like this film is because of the puking scene. Some people just like to whine and pout and cry over everything that they believe to be offensive. Kristen Wiig (and the whole cast) is hilarious. Theres no doubt about that cuz the movie was rated very well, critically and commercially. If you are a boring, frigid baby who is always offended, this isnt the film for you! Youd be better off watching a cheesy, stupid film like "Valentine's Day" or "Grown Ups."
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Glenn Canady
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