This is what I call a torture movie. The majority of the movie is about bad things happening to the main character. We're meant to believe that she brings it all on herself, but of course the movie format requires these bad events to happen at an unrealistic and undeserved pace. We're also meant to believe that her main fault is that she doesn't try in life and blames others for her problems, but she also somehow had the ambition to open a cake shop and the discipline to be an excellent baker. At the end, there's no reason for the bride to be upset about her wedding (certainly doesn't take much to bring her back); there's no reason for the cop to come back to her (she's been a mess the entire time he knew her but she baked him a cake?); and there's no reason for her and the antagonist to become friends. There isn't really a reason why the antagonist is there in the first place. For a movie about a trainwreck redemption, I highly recommend Amy Schumer's Trainwreck. For those who loved Meet The Parents, you'll probably like this movie, too. I did not.
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Morgan Robinson
I feel like every second I spent watching this film was a complete and utter waist of my time. If I could get a refund for my time waisted I'd do it!! Horrible isn't good enough to describe this movie. There were MAYBE two scenes that made me chuckle that's it. Such a shame too because I heard such good things about it.
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Russell Rogers
When I saw this in the theater I couldn't fully get into it, but after watching it a few times in a row recently I'm finding more and more to love about this movie. This film is more about watching a woman hit her bottom in life (to hilarious effect) than it is about the journey to the wedding. As her life crumbles around her she's also straining the relationships with those who love her. This film would be almost perfect if it wasn't for the wedding speech dragging on at the beginning.