
2014 • 122 minút
17 recenzií
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Tento film

Sang-hyun (Jung Jae-young), who lost his wife, lives with his daughter Soo-jin. One day, Soo-jin is raped and murdered. Frustrated by the lack of progress in his daughter's case, Sang-hyun learns the identity of the two men who killed his daughter and the address of one of those two men. Sang-hyun then goes to the home of that man and kills him. The father is now a fugitive.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

17 recenzií
Carlos Aubergine
31. júla 2020
I was just going to let my 4 stars speak for themselves but then i saw there were 1 star ratings...and I couldn't resist commenting that whoever gave it one star, should really rethink their intelligence level.
Bolo to užitočné?
Linda Cutter
24. júna 2016
Bolo to užitočné?

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