Bunnyman Massacre

2013 • 104 minút
69 recenzií
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Tento film

The adventures of Joe and Bunnyman know no limit of bloodlust and carnage. Bodies pile up as Bunnyman indiscriminately slaughters anything that crosses his path in a mutually beneficial relationship that gives Joe plenty of beef jerky to sell in his local store.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

69 recenzií
Dan Dow
29. septembra 2014
This flick has gotten a lot of mixed reviews. So here's the thing, if you just want to see a bunch of people die, this movies for you. If you want something with a solid story, that isn't anti climatic, this is not for you.
2 osoby považujú túto recenziu za užitočnú
Keith Kane
18. augusta 2014
This was actually a serious and brutal movie. If u like chainsaw massacre and wolf creek then you'll like this.
Danielle Paquin
19. decembra 2014
Sick & twisted! Creeps me out... in a good way. The acting wasn't bad either ;)