Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

2007 • 132 minút
9 recenzií
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Tento film

Epic 'HBO Films' adaptation of Dee Brown's book about the subjugation and cultural extermination of the Sioux tribe in the 19th century.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

9 recenzií
Ian Xavier Roskell
18. septembra 2021
A powerful picture Perhaps the best movie yet made That tries to capture in scope And with justice The politics and feelings of the plains wars And what happened out there in the old west There is very little expository action But you almost feel it isn't needed: You know already the country was growing westward This movie for the sake of movies Is a very a good and serious intellectual entertainment But a movie can only do so much And the real story is much more complicated
Roger Louttit
31. októbra 2018
This movie is good, but unfortunately it's basically based on the last chapter of the book. Adam Beach's character isn't even in the book. It's entirely another story that coincides with the events that happened, but not mentioned in the book itself.
Miguel Agawin
19. decembra 2019
Northwest Mounted Police.❤️🇨🇦