Bus Palladium

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About this movie

Bus Palladium is a 2010 drama film directed by Christopher Thompson.

"Actor-screenwriter Christopher Thompson’s directorial debut fills the screen with sexy French rockers, feuding friends, drugs, and plenty of shaggy hair. Named for the famous Parisian rock dive, Bus Palladium tells the story of four close friends who form a rock band in the mid-’80s, appropriately named Lust, and learn to navigate the ups and downs of musical success. The foursome peacefully enjoys their high road to stardom, complete with rooftop poetry proclamations, affairs, and Super 8 documentation. That is, of course, until the arrival of Laura, a tempting new fixture in the rock world. Jealousy, competition, and duels ensue, complicating friendships and pending fame alike. The soundtrack features tunes from the Stones, Blondie, and Bowie. Dazzling and charming, with irresistible style, Bus Palladium will put you smack in the middle of that ’80s heyday heaven and keep you rockin’ in your seat."
Quoting the description from the 2010 Seattle International Film Festival site.