
2020年 • 137 分鐘
1.3K 則評論


《不完美的正義》這部撼動人心且發人深省的影片,圍繞年輕的律師布萊恩史蒂文森(麥可B喬丹飾)和他名垂青史的正義之戰展開。布萊恩從哈佛大學畢業后,放棄了高薪工作機會,反而在當地倡導者伊娃安斯利(布麗拉森飾)的協助下,前往阿拉巴馬州為那些被誤判的嫌犯以及無力承擔律師費的弱勢族群辯護。他在職業生涯之初最為轟動的一個案件,便是「華特案」。華特麥米利(傑米福克斯飾)於 1987 年被指控殘忍謀殺一名 18 嵗女孩。儘管有多數證據證明他是無辜,卻只因一名罪犯不足採信的謊言證詞而被判處死刑。隨後而來的几年中,布萊恩在爲華特和類似的人辯護時,面對現實的逆境和司法系統的不公,捲入了司法和政治的操縱迷宮,以及寡廉鮮恥且赤裸裸的種族歧視。


1.3K 則評論
Jean Luc Pressoir
This movie is a story changer to everywhere across the United States and so on beyond around the world mostly for black people to change those different paths. Being a black person is one of the hardest parts to appear in the open world wherever you are hoping for equality among whites and other races to live in peace and respective not to never be targeted. Darkness within you is who come after you because of your skin color's such darker than the white people just living of hate and fear don't even care if you're a human being only a nothing they see. No police officer shouldn't have the right or their call to be Judge, Jury, and Executioner on mostly people of color. No one serves to be treated like a criminal or being called an animal just because you're different as anybody else around anywhere you live.
914 人認為這篇評論有用
Faelyn Wolf
Movies like this are so desperately needed. Whites,like myself, often take the legal system for granted. We say things like, if you're innocent you have nothing to fear. We are wrong. In the US African-Americans are often railroaded though our "justice" system. When it comes to it they are more often pushed through what might as well be kangaroo courts. This film is an emotional retelling of the real life events surrounding Bryan Stevenson and Walter "Johnny D." McMillian. It was one of the best purchases I've made this year and I sincerely hope that people across the world, in these times of civil unrest will take a couple hours and watch this. I hope that social science teachers, instructors, professors, et all, will consider showing this film to their classes when discussing racism, how it affects the legal system, and that we can fight it and win.
500 人認為這篇評論有用
Joanne Goodman
I found this movie after watching an old 60 minutes story on the man this movie is based on. I loved this movie, because I love Michael B. Jordan and Jamie Foxx did a great job. I love to see these men doing films that mean something. (I've been a huge Michael B. Jordan fan since he played Oscar Grant). The man in this movie was a lucky one. He was only in jail for 6 years. There are SOOOO many black men in the south that will NEVER get out. Many aren't that lucky (There's one man in the mid-west serving a life sentence for stealing a leather jacket in the 70's or 80's) The justice system is anything but.
16 人認為這篇評論有用

