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Call Me by Your Name

2017. • 131 минут
1,17 хиљ. рецензијe
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Звук и титлови на вашем језику нису доступни. Титлови су доступни на следећим језицима: арапски, грчки, дански, енглески, енглески (Сједињене Државе), енглески (Уједињено Краљевство), исландски, кинески (Хонгконг), кинески (поједностављено кинеско писмо), кинески (традиционално кинеско писмо), корејски, мађарски, норвешки, португалски (Бразил), португалски (Португалија), пољски, словачки, словеначки, тајски, турски, украјински, фински, хауса, холандски, чешки, шведски и шпански (Латинска Америка).

О овом филму

A romance between a seventeen year-old boy and a summer guest at his parents' cliffside mansion on the Italian Riviera.

Оцене и рецензије

1,17 хиљ. рецензијe
10. јул 2020.
This movie hit differently to me unlike from the other movies that ived watched. This one really focuses on genuine love between to innocent people falling in love with each other. It made me realizes something about life. I STILL CANT MOVE ON FROM THIS MOVIE IT MADE ME SAD AND HAPPY AT THE SAME TIME
Да ли вам је ово било корисно?
31. јул 2020.
i cried, way too much- it leaves you with a sense of "how" and its not until you end up thinking about what happened when you realise the philosophy and mental aspects of the film- you can re watch the movie only to cry more, and really appreciate their love, but all the time realising that it must end- this being said, it was seemingly the perfect end to this perfect film
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Dionysius Chiu
2. март 2019.
I was, and still am captivated by the totality of the movie even weeks after watching it. In addition to the positive changes that it brought into my life, like knowing myself better and not cutting off from my emotions, I am amazed by how great the film was casted, produced, and blended with an amazing soundtrack. Simple, heart-melting, and life-changing. Just amazing. One of the best movies I have watched, if not the best.
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