Jacob Radford
I will not insult one of the reviews below called "Slaker" seeing as the fact that he stupidly thinks "effects" can be made better years after release shows that he is most likely no older than five. However, I must say that his parents shouldn't let him watch this film anyways. This movie is VERY violent and gory. Viewers be warned that this is not Eight legged freaks, and does not have the quality of eight legged freaks, but does have an IMMENSE amount of blood and gore. It is a solid B movie.
Michael Adkins
I'd love to watch it, but it won't let me.. I made a purchase for it and now I don't get what I wanted, so NO 5 star rating! That's like stealing money, just saying..
Een Google-gebruiker
Boooo it would be a beast movie only if it had better effects thoo I was about to rent it but the trailer noo way jose improve the effects and it'll be a beast movie :)