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Can You Ever Forgive Me?

2018 • 106 minutos
86 recensións
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Non hai audio nin subtítulos dispoñibles no teu idioma. Os subtítulos están dispoñibles en alemán, birmano, búlgaro, checo, chinés (simplificado), chinés (tradicional), coreano, croata, dinamarqués, eslovaco, esloveno, español, español (América Latina), estoniano, finés, francés, francés (O Canadá), grego, hebreo, hindi, húngaro, indonesio, inglés, islandés, italiano, letón, lituano, malaio, neerlandés (Bélxica), neerlandés (Países Baixos), noruegués, polaco, portugués, portugués (O Brasil), romanés, ruso, serbio, sueco, tailandés, turco, ucraíno, vietnamita e árabe.

Acerca desta película

Melissa McCarthy is masterful in the captivating account — based on a true story — of Lee Israel, a best-selling celebrity biographer in the 1970s and ’80s. When Lee (McCarthy) comes to the realization that she’s no longer en vogue, she spins her art form into a perilous web of lies, deceit and outright crime to get back on top.

Valoracións e recensións

86 recensións
Dexter Coronado
4 de maio de 2019
Very entertaining movie especially for writers out there. Melissa McCarthy should make movies like this every once in a while, to offer the moviegoing public a fresh look at her. It suits her style of acting to a tee.
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2 de maio de 2021
2018 Base on her true story Can you ever forgive me? Melissa McCarthy is masterful in the captivating account — based on a true story — of Lee Israel, a best-selling celebrity biographer in the 1970s and ’80s. When Lee (McCarthy) comes to the realization that she’s no longer en vogue, she spins her art form into a perilous web of lies, deceit and outright crime to get back on top.
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Un usuario de Google
23 de febreiro de 2019
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