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Can You Keep a Secret?

2020 • 94 minutos
2 recensións
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Acerca desta película

On a return flight from a botched client meeting, Emma reveals all of her deepest secrets to a handsome stranger when her plane hits turbulence and she believes she is going to die.

Valoracións e recensións

2 recensións
Natalie Thomas
6 de febreiro de 2022
I was so looking forward to this film but was really DISAPPOINTED. This is Complete RUBBISH! They have missed out loads of things. This is a really short abbreviation of the book and this film does not make any sense because they have missed out loads of what is in the book. Plus they have all the characters wrong. They should have stuck to the book. So I'd advise all of you to skip the film and read the book. The book is fantastic!
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