Carlos (2023)

2023. • 87 минута
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О овом филму

A music industry legend for 50 years and a 10-time Grammy-winning global sensation, as well as a recipient of a Kennedy Center Honor and a Billboard Century award, Santana continues to be one of the music world's premiere artists, blending jazz, blues, and the Mariachi sound with a rock n' roll spirituality and a sense of connection to music's primal connection to our deepest emotions. The electric documentary CARLOS utilizes new interviews with Santana and his family alongside extraordinary, never-before-seen archival footage — including home video recordings Santana himself made; concert footage; and behind-the-scenes moments — as two-time Emmy-winning director Rudy Valdez (The Sentence; Through Our Eyes; We Are: The Brooklyn Saints) creates an intimate, rich documentary about a man whose sound casts a spell on fans who love — as one of Santana's famous titles says— “how his rhythm goes.”