Case 39

2010 • 109 minút
685 recenzií
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Tento film

Academy Award® winner Renee Zellweger stars in this terrifying, supernatural thriller about a social worker who has been assigned the unusual and disturbing case of Lillith Sullivan...a girl with a strange and mysterious past. When Emily (Renee Zellweger) opens her home in an attempt to help Lillith, it turns into a deadly nightmare she may not survive.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

685 recenzií
15. januára 2015
This isn't a "good" movie. If you go into it recognizing that already you'll find it pretty enjoyable. The real disappointment is how the story was told and the directing. The script has a lot of potential, but fell somewhat flat. And the cast is talented, but this talent was in no way capitalized on.
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2. septembra 2019
This is a scary movie. When adopting or fostering, all you can do is pray that God will completely wash away all the sins of the parents and further back so the child can have a happy, fulfilled life without drama and evilness in their blood.
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Deborah Lewin
9. októbra 2014
I love this movie. It's got a decent storyline and enough creep factor to keep you guessing. Ending could've been better but overall not a bad movie at all
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