Gwen Boyer
Tom Hanks has never made a bad movie ,hes such a phenominal actor . This movie teaches us , our wills , spiritual strength we can overcome anything. Tom befriended a soccerball I think . I had a Mother in law who would talk herself into things she didnt feel like doing,and I see some, matter a fact ,alot of the actors Im seeing in movies are looking in a mirror and talking themselves into things they didnt think they could do. A lesson to be learnef for all of us.
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Bayo Cary
One of my all time, favorite movies. Russia finally has, a FedEx package delivery business. Teaching Russian delivery drivers, the importance of a FedEx-watch, begins an unexpected tale, of freedom with solitude, and loneliness-required, to purify a troubled cluttered, mind. Tom Hangs, learns how to survive, with absolutely, nothing-no friends, no family, no home, no pre-packed food, or fance toilet. Then, when you may suspect, that the story is ending-he, is rescued.
Jeffrey Spangler
One stunning performance by Tom Hanks, as usual. With 90% of his character being performed while stranded on an island was absolutely awesome! But, the saddest part was when he returned to civilization only to learn that the love of his life had married someone else was heartbreaking.